Why Is Your Dog Not Eating?

If your dog isn't eating, it's only a matter of time before your dog becomes lethargic, is sleeping a lot more, and is unable to get up to go outside, which also means accidents in the house. If your dog isn't eating, there are several reasons why this is happening. If your dog is older, it could be that your dog's time with you could be coming to an end. If your dog isn't that old, it could be something medical, or your dog may not like its food, or there could be other concerns. No matter what, you should take your dog to the veterinary clinic for a checkup and exam to see what may be going on. Read on for what you may be able to do to help your dog.

Wet Your Dog's Food

Your dog could have an issue with its teeth or jaw and is unable to eat the hard kibble like it once did. If your dog has an oral health issue, it can eventually make its way to the other organs of the body. Take your dog to the vet to have its teeth and gums inspected to rule out a problem such as a tooth infection or gingivitis. In the meantime, wet your dog's food to help soften it and allow your dog to eat. You can also switch to canned dog food that is soft as well.

Change Your Dog's Food

If you've recently changed your dog's food, it may not want to eat it because your dog doesn't like the taste. Change back to what you were feeding your dog before you changed foods. If you've changed your dog's food and you've noticed bowel changes or vomiting, you should also change your dog's food back. Your dog could be having an allergic reaction to the new food, or it isn't agreeing with its stomach and is simply refusing to eat it.

Watch For Toxin Ingestion

If your dog ingested something that it shouldn't have, it could be causing problems for your dog's intestines or stomach and is leaving it unable to eat. In this case, keep an eye out for anything your dog may have ingested and report your findings to the veterinarian. If your dog did ingest something toxic, it may just have to run its course, or your dog may need some treatment right away depending on the toxin.

If your dog isn't eating, there could be any number of reasons why this is happening. Take your dog to the veterinarian for an exam, diagnosis, and any necessary treatment.

About Me

Keeping Pets Healthy From Birth Through Their Golden Years

Your pets are part of your family, and because of this, you need to know how to keep them healthy all the way through to their golden years. This blog provides you with important information about pet vaccinations, common pet ailments, treatment options for skin disorders, pet allergies, and common breed-specific health disorders. We can also help you identify emergency situations that require immediate veterinary care, as well as helping you determine if a problem can wait until your next appointment to be addressed. We love your pets just as much as you do and through our blog, we strive to make sure you have the knowledge you need to keep them happy and healthy for many years to come.



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