Help Your Best Friend Recover From Pet Oral Surgery

If your pet is suffering from some tooth issues or other oral problems, you may be looking around for the best option for pet oral surgery in your area. The right veterinarian can fix your pet's issue and give them a better quality of life, but the first few days following the surgery might be rough.

Here are some tips to help your furry friend recover from pet oral surgery

Rest and Relaxation are Key

When you bring your pet back from the vet's office, it may still be under sedation or incredibly drowsy. Create a dedicated space in your home where your pet can sleep and rest without trouble. Consider placing the pet in a room that is warm, dark, and set up with your pet's favorite bed or piece of furniture to sleep on. Check on the pet periodically but otherwise, try to just let the pet rest as the sedation wears off over time. If your pet normally goes crazy for mail delivery or any other specific incidents, try to ensure that your pet remains unaware of the incident while in recovery. You don't want your pet to stress itself and end up reopening a surgical wound.

Use Prescribed Medications

When you leave the veterinarian's office, you will likely be given some prescription medications such as painkillers or antibiotics that can be used to prevent infection. Slip the medications into your pet's first small meal a couple of hours after the surgery. Use a special soft treat to get the pet to consume the medication if necessary.

Alter Your Pet's Diet

If your pet typically munches on hard food, you will need some alternative options for the first few days as your pet's mouth begins to heal. Stock up on some softer food options if possible. You will also want to scan the living room for any pet toys that might cause trouble like hard chew sticks if your pet were to get a hold of them.

Stay Alert for Trouble

As your pet recovers and its normal personality returns, be alert for any issues, especially when your pet goes to eat. If the pet starts to eat food but then drops it or spits it out, this might be because of pain. If your pet does not return to normal behavior in a couple of days, contact your veterinarian for an immediate appointment.

A Post-Op Visit May Help

Speaking of appointments, you will want to schedule a post-op visit with the veterinarian that performed the oral surgery even if your pet is not showing any signs of trouble. This gives the vet an opportunity to make sure that all is as it should be and it will give you some peace of mind.

About Me

Keeping Pets Healthy From Birth Through Their Golden Years

Your pets are part of your family, and because of this, you need to know how to keep them healthy all the way through to their golden years. This blog provides you with important information about pet vaccinations, common pet ailments, treatment options for skin disorders, pet allergies, and common breed-specific health disorders. We can also help you identify emergency situations that require immediate veterinary care, as well as helping you determine if a problem can wait until your next appointment to be addressed. We love your pets just as much as you do and through our blog, we strive to make sure you have the knowledge you need to keep them happy and healthy for many years to come.



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